Homemade Single Bon Bon
Homemade Single Bon Bon
Homemade Single Bon Bon
Homemade Single Bon Bon

Homemade Single Bon Bon


Bon-Bon Cakes are Luca Pawtisserie's signature pastry, and one of the most popular items from the bakery. Single Bon Bons are the perfect treat for your dog. Made with only human-grade ingredients, these treats are sure to make any birthday or adoption day special. Although these cakes are small in size, their pure and simple ingredient list allows for multiple servings even for the smallest cake! Single bon bons come in an assortment of colors. 

Ingredients100% Natural Unsalted Peanut Butter, Gluten-Free Rice Cereal, Honey, Vanilla.

Our cakes are stable and will last up to two weeks without refrigeration.

Single bon bons are roughly 1 inch in diameter.