Raw Bistro - Entree Frozen Lamb

Raw Bistro - Entree Frozen Lamb


This line of frozen raw dog food provides a complete & balanced, diversified diet from 100% grass-fed beef, free-range poultry, and other non-factory farmed animal protein sources. Single-source protein entrees are paired with different blends of organic veggies, fruits & other real ingredients from the farm. All diets small-batch produced in Cannon Falls, Minnesota.

Available in  6 and 18 lb patties

For local pick up or delivery only. We do not ship raw diets.

Ingredients: Lamb, Lamb Heart, Lamb Liver, Lamb Kidney, Organic Kale, Organic Beets, Organic Yams, Organic Apples, Oyster Shell Powder, Non-GMO Safflower Oil, Inulin (extract of chicory), Sea Salt, Organic Kelp, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Vitamin E Supplement, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Vitamin D3 Supplement

Guaranteed Analysis: Protein 14%, Fat 12%, Fiber 1%, Moisture 70%.