If you place an order, and cancel that order before shipment, you will be responsible for a 10% restocking fee.
If an order is refused upon delivery, the customer is responsible for all shipping charges, including the return shipping, and a restocking fee of 10%. Credit is not allowed on returns after 30 days. Discontinued, used (if no longer in clean, resellable condition), or special order items are not returnable.
Returns will not be accepted without authorization, and a copy of this authorization must accompany all returns. If shipment is refused by the customer, any shipping charges and return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. All items returned are charged a 10% restocking fee.
If your merchandise arrives damaged, call us promptly and keep it until you hear back from us. A claim will then be placed with UPS and we will determine with you, a refund or exchange. Damages must be reported within a week of delivery.