Raw Bistro - Entree Frozen Beef

Raw Bistro - Entree Frozen Beef


This line of frozen raw dog food provides a complete & balanced, diversified diet from 100% grass-fed beef, free-range poultry, and other non-factory farmed animal protein sources. Single-source protein entrees are paired with different blends of organic veggies, fruits & other real ingredients from the farm. All diets small-batch produced in Cannon Falls, Minnesota.

Available in:   6 and 18 lb patties.

For local pick up or delivery only. We do not ship raw diets.

Ingredients: Beef, Beef Heart, Ground Beef Bone, Beef Liver, Beef Kidney, Organic Green Beans, Organic Spinach, Organic Beets, Organic Blueberries, Safflower Oil, Organic Kelp, Inulin (extract of chicory), Sea Salt, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Vitamin E Supplement, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Vitamin D3 Supplement.

Guaranteed Analysis: Protein 14%, Fat 12%, Fiber 1%, Moisture 70%.